
(Balliwick) the area of jurisdiction of a Komtur. Orders coming from several provinces assembled with Komtur at the top.

The highest-ranking religious officials of the Teutonic Order; Großkomtur          (Grand Komtur), Ordensmarschall (Grand Marshal), oberster Spittler (unknown), oberster Tressler (unknown), oberster Trappier (unknown), Landmeister von Livland (Land master of Livonia), Landmeister von Preußen, (land master of Prussia). There are others, but I don't yet have a full translation.

Grand Marshal
One of the highest offices within the Teutonic Order. When the campaign begins, this office is held by Friedrich von Wallenrode.

Graumäntler, or Sariantbrüder
(Grey Mantles) Ritterbrüder with special status, which, instead of wearing the white cloak of the Knights had a gray coat and a lighter weaponry.

(Half Brothers). Members of the Order but whose period of service and duties are less than the RitterBruder or DiendeBruder. HalbBrudern do not take monastic vows of service for life. HalbBruder wear a light grey Jupon with a tau cross. Unlike other Brethren of the Order HalbBrudern are allowed to combine their family coats of arms with that of the Tau Cross.

A deputy to the Komtur, primarily entrusted with the care of the Convention.

Hochmeister or Deutschmeister
(Grand Master). Master of the country bailiwicks in the Holy Roman Empire and the Mediterranean. The Supreme head of the Teutonic Order. When the campaign begins, this office is held by Ulrich von Jungingen.

Hoch-und Deutschmeister
Master of German and Gallic lands, administrator of the Hochmeistertums in Prussia


(Bailiff) A rank within the Teutonic Knights. The Komtur is the commander within a specific region, or commandry (Komturia or Komturei). A Komtur commanded procurators. There are thirty five Komturia in Prussia, one in Germany and one in Livonia.

Marienburg Castle
The seat of power of the Hochmeister of the Order of Teutonic Knights in 1410 at the time of the campaign.

Ordensburg or Ordenshaus
(Monastry) in the parlance of the Order, though usually a fortress. Typically in Prussia and in the Baltic region, mostly three-story brick buildings built around a courtyard in a square in the style known as backsteingotik (brick gothic). The main rooms are not usually on the ground floor, but in one of the top floors. These include chapel, chapter house, refectory and dormitory and are especially well furnished. Ordensburg typically have high walls with battlements and often towers.
The first Teutonic castle was founded in 1230 in Nessau, by 1300 there were already 23 Teutonic castles.

The State of the Teutonic Order.

Prague groschen
The Prague groschen is a groschen-type silver coin that is common throughout Central Europe in 1410. It is a silver coin with obverse sign DEI GRATIA REX BOEMIE (By the grace of God the king of Bohemia) and on the verso GROSSI PRAGENSIS (Prague groschen). Sub-divisions are twelve coins called parvus (small) with a Bohemian heraldic lion on the obverse. Names like Groschen, grossus/grossi, grossone, Grosz, Gros, Groš, Garas etc. are used for all thick silver coins, as opposed to thin silver coins such as deniers or pennies. The weight of the coin is between 3.5 and 3.7 g with a fineness of 933/1000 of silver.

A Procurator is a rank in the Teutonic Order,  responsible for court matters and administration of a specific region called a procuratoria, as well as commanding the army. As a commander, the procurator had brothers of the Teutonic Knights and vassal Old Prussians at his disposal. Procurators were under the direct command of the komturs.

(Brother Knight). The monastic Knights who make up the Elite of the Order. Their equipment is the best available of the time comparable with that of the best Knights of Western Europe. A White Jupon marked with a black cross distinguishes the Ritter Bruder from other troops in the Order's forces. There are five hundred and fifty or so Ritter Bruder just prior to the battle of Tannenberg.

This page will be expanded as time passes.